The Canal New York Experience
New York’s Canals. Open for Business and Pleasure.
With the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, economic development and expansion exploded across New York State.
An unprecedented era of commerce and travel was born. A young nation grew. A state gained empire status. New York’s Canals are part of our history, heritage and folklore. Today New York’s Canals are an incomparable destination for recreation and travel or to live and work.
Canal New York Marketing and Business Alliance is the primary private sector organization dedicated to business development, tourism marketing, legislative advocacy and business collaboration among the communities along the Erie, Champlain, Cayuga-Seneca and Oswego Canals.
Canal New York Marketing and Business Alliance focuses on continued renewal of the Canal Corridor’s legacy as a vibrant region for economic development in New York State.

Recent News & Information
NYS Canal Tourism Grants
The grant program includes two funding categories:
Event Support: $500 to $15,000 Award Range
Tourism Infrastructure & Amenity Support: $5,000 to $24,000 Award Range
2022 NYS Canal Opening Schedule
Mariners are advised that, conditions permitting, all portions of the New York State Canal system are scheduled to open Friday, May 20, 2022, at 7:00 a.m. for the 2022 navigation season.
The Capital Region Chamber
Canal New York is pleased to welcome the Capital Region Chamber! One of New York State's largest Chambers of Commerce, and the largest statewide with respect to the Marine industry, from tugboats and ocean going ports to dragon boats, crew teams, bait and tackle...
Thanks for your interest in Canal NY!
If you have any questions or would like additional information from Canal NY please take a moment and fill out this short form. One of our representatives will get back to you within 24 hours.
Canal New York
Mailing Address
689 Hoosick Road
Troy, NY 12180