East Coast Houseboats and Canal NY!

East Coast Houseboats and Canal NY!

East Coast Houseboats and Canal NY Canal NY is proud to acknowledge our newest member East Coast Houseboats. Located directly on the Erie Canal System at Beacon Bay Marina in Cayuga NY.  East Coast Houseboats builds residentially styled houseboats reminiscent of...

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Upstate Summer Magazine

Upstate Summer Magazine

For the second year, Canal NY is proud to partner with member JMF Publications in their popular Upstate Summer Magazine. JMF created a section on New York’s Canals for the 2018 edition.  We are hoping to build on the success of last year’s efforts again in 2019. The...

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Erie Canal 2019 and beyond

Erie Canal 2019 and beyond

Erie Canal Moving Forward The NYS Canal Corporation recently announced the Navigation Season schedule for the next 3 years. While push back continues from the hundreds of businesses who depend on the Navigation Season for their income, the Canal Corp under the control...

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New York State Canal Conference

New York State Canal Conference

  ONE WATER: NEW YORK HARBOR OCTOBER 14 – 16, 2018 | HILTON GARDEN INN, STATEN ISLAND One Water, New York Harbor is the theme for the 2018 New York Canal Societies’ Canal Conference to be held on October 14th. – October 16th. at the Hilton Garden Inn, Staten...

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689 Hoosick Road
Troy, NY 12180


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